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MCIS est un think tank indépendant qui opère dans le domaine des relations internationales avec une focalisation sur l’Afrique. Il est mû par la volonté de contribuer à la réflexion sur les enjeux et défis multidimensionnels qui interpellent la marche résolue du continent africain sur la voie du progrès et de la modernisation à tous les niveaux.
Au-delà des travaux de recherche et d’analyse couvrant les domaines politico-diplomatiques, économico-financiers, socioculturels, environnementaux et sécuritaires, MCIS agit également en tant que plateforme de débat et d’échange réunissant académiciens, décideurs publics et privés et représentants d’organisations régionales et internationales concernées par les questions africaines et les problématiques connexes qui y sont rattachées.
MCIS se veut, ainsi, un acteur d’influence visant à sensibiliser la communauté internationale sur les enjeux multidimensionnels du développement de l’Afrique et sur l’impératif de faire de ce continent une priorité effective de l’agenda mondial, au-delà des déclarations d’intention et des effets d’annonce.
Reconnaissant l’importance des approches rénovées de la coopération Sud-Sud, MCIS promeuve et met en valeur les initiatives menées par les locomotives du continent, dont le Royaume du Maroc, pour accélérer la transformation structurelles des économies africaines et renforcer leur ancrage à la paix, la stabilité et la démocratie.
With years of experience our web developers can deliver you the results you need. We can define a Creative Solution as unique as your problem. Working with you down to the smallest detail, we ensure that the design we create meets not only your exact goal but your user’s goal too. Get in touch with us, leaving us a brief outline of your project and a one of our experts will be in touch.
This section of the website contains the European Medicines Agency’s news and press releases, information on meetings and events, public consultations and related information.
Morbi tempus dolor quis fermentum tincidunt. Sed lacinia lacus eu mi consectetur vestibulum Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind.
Morbi tempus dolor quis fermentum tincidunt. Sed lacinia lacus eu mi consectetur vestibulum Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind.
Morbi tempus dolor quis fermentum tincidunt. Sed lacinia lacus eu mi consectetur vestibulum Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind.
With years of experience our web developers can deliver you the results you need. We can define a Creative Solution as unique as your problem. Working with you down to the smallest detail, we ensure that the design we create meets not only your exact goal but your user’s goal too. Get in touch with us, leaving us a brief outline of your project and a one of our experts will be in touch.
This section of the website contains the European Medicines Agency’s news and press releases, information on meetings and events, public consultations and related information.
With years of experience our web developers can deliver you the results you need. We can define a Creative Solution as unique as your problem. Working with you down to the smallest detail, we ensure that the design we create meets not only your exact goal but your user’s goal too. Get in touch with us, leaving us a brief outline of your project and a one of our experts will be in touch.
This section of the website contains the European Medicines Agency’s news and press releases, information on meetings and events, public consultations and related information.
With years of experience our web developers can deliver you the results you need. We can define a Creative Solution as unique as your problem. Working with you down to the smallest detail, we ensure that the design we create meets not only your exact goal but your user’s goal too. Get in touch with us, leaving us a brief outline of your project and a one of our experts will be in touch.
This section of the website contains the European Medicines Agency’s news and press releases, information on meetings and events, public consultations and related information.
24/7 Customer Support. When hosting your website on the web you will need to make sure that the company providing the server environment and the related hosting services.
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